Sugar Cane and Macadamia Nut Farming

Start-up Required for Sugar Cane and Macadamia Nut Farming

Mkoba Macadamia Farm (KwaXolo Community Project)


Macademia Nut Farm:  R6.5-million

Sugar Cane Farm:  R37-million

Funding Requirements

The project requires start-up capital for the establishment of the Mkoba Macadamia Farm project, estimated at R129,533.67 per hectare (with 50 hectares currently available) and for the virgin land development for sugar cane, costing R37,000.00 per hectare. KwaXolo has about 1 000 hectares land available for cane farming.

Project Description

The KwaXolo Community Project / Mkoba Macadamia Farm is a sugar cane and macadamia project, driven by well-known commercial farmers (Outlook Farm), supported by the South African Cane Growers’ Association and various poor families residing under the KwaXolo Tribal Authority, within the jurisdiction of Ugu District Municipality.

The key partners in this project, which are the Outlook Farm owners (The Packhams) and the South African Cane Growers’ Association, have invested in providing support to farmers with agricultural input and extension support, ensuring that the project is sustainable and best practice is maintained.

Over the last 10 years KwaXolo families have had approximately 150 ha of land available to be used for planting sugar cane. In terms of implementation and support by the Outlook Farm, the macadamia nut project is still in the planning stages.

Up until now, there has been no small scale macadamia farmers from KwaXolo, for the following reasons

Macadamia requires large initial capital to establish (first 7 years operational costs) and to see the orchard through to maturity. This is the largest obstacle to entry into macadamia farming

The cost and management of farming equipment and infrastructure (sheds, drying bins etc.) limit those wishing to start macadamia farming to large commercial enterprises

There is no training facility that currently offers courses and training on growing macadamias. Pests and diseases and their management vary from area to area and require localised knowledge and experience. Because of this, training can only come from local commercial farmers assisting the small farmer

Technical and financial details of the components of the project are available on request.

Interested Investors are Invites to contact us

039 682 3881